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Tiziana Bertoncelli

Brugada Syndrome is a common heritable channelopaty, a rare heritable arrhythmia syndrome associated with a typical electrocardiographic (ECG) pattern and an increases risk of sudden cardiac death, typically to be found in young male adults (~40 years of age in average), but also in infants. The usual way to prevent a sudden arrhythmia in patient is to implant an internal defibrillator, with a very invasive surgery intervention.

Goal of the workshop is to identify solutions as effective as the implanted defibrillator, but with a lesser degree of invasiveness. One existing solution would be a wearable external defibrillator, which present a major problem: the metallic paddles needed to convey the electrical discharge have to stay attached to the skin for effectiveness of the devices; nevertheless such a solution is not feasibile since the metallic material damages the skin in the long run.


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